Our Challenge
For my 4th year design capstone at Waterloo, we partnered with Sun Life, a global financial services company providing insurance, wealth management, and asset management solutions.  Our goal was to create a digital solution to better meet mental health needs for Canadian women.
Problem Statement
ADHD in women is extremely under-researched and, as a result, is an underrepresented, under-diagnosed demographic. As a result there is a lack of resources which help to manage these symptoms and side effects which occur later on in life.
Research Question(s)
How might we provide a solution for people with ADHD symptoms to help them better manage their workload/day?
How do scheduling and organization promote good mental well-being and support an ADHD-healthy lifestyle?
How might we target specific parts of an ADHD woman’s lifestyle to make sure that they are functioning?
How might we create therapy-based (CBT) reflection questions and guides for the users that can help them better manage, understand, and validate their emotions and thoughts?
Business Canvas Model
User Persona
Journey Map
(Minimum Viable Product)
MVP Report
(Minimum Viable Product)
CEP Report
(Corporate Entrepreneurship Proposal)
High-Fidelity Prototype
Link to Prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/kmwZf1dSVGhOofaKTb2T3G/GBDA-401-%E2%80%93-Final-Working?page-id=36%3A360&node-id=49-1491&viewport=57%2C-64%2C0.13&t=cAwXxEpFr5nBOZny-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&starting-point-node-id=49%3A1474&show-proto-sidebar=1
High-Fidelity Prototype Report

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